Luka Pejcic

Head of Property & Acquisition

Luka is an outgoing person who is always looking for a challenge and a way to improve. This has lead him to London to study business management with a focus on operations. His passion for entrepreneurship has always been a driving factor for him. The exposure to the know-how of a business has resulted in him seeking out to work with SMEs.

After his business degree, Luka turned to his other passion, property. He obtained a master’s degree in real estate. Luka has always been passionate about art, especially through drawing. This has resulted in his love of architecture. Further, with his love of people and social interactions, property was a logical step. Through his studies he gained vast knowledge on the technical aspects of property markets and valuations. Further, the postgraduate course embedded in him a strong understanding of construction processes and planning and legal context for property. His experience on multiple leisure and commercial expansion projects perfected his site-finding skills. Engaging in negotiations with agents, leaseholders and freeholders has been key in building relationships and people skills for him.

Luka is an enthusiast for sports and being active. With experience in volleyball, basketball, judo, swimming, and handball. He is a regular gym goer and enjoys a game of padel.

Looking at this, Social Sports Society was a natural fit for Luka.

In Management

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